Kemet Calling
The Pilgrimage
of a lifetime
The key within you has brought you here because you are one of the key holders who are here at this time to unlock the ancient future and bring Heaven on Earth.
This pilgrimage is no ordinary pilgrimage. It is a multidimensional, multi-faceted journey that bridges between the past and the future, the East and the West, the realm of the gods and the realm of the created; with an intention to create an infinite present firmly planted in the vision of bringing Heaven to Earth.
Join me, Venus, grandchild of my Neteru ancestors; and Tamara Slock, student of the plants, on a journey through Egypt that has never been done before.
Why are we going on this journey?
The Neteru serve as evolutionary principles of reality, engendering a higher development by functioning on a psychospiritual level in much the same way as DNA functions on an organic level. It is quite clear to those who've been walking on this path, that the Neteru have been actively transmitting to us at this time, activating our own DNA and raising our consciousness to respond to what we are being called to cultivate and create at this time.
We are called upon to remember that man is a model of the Universe and the Universe is a model of God and that magic as prayer, ritual and invocation is aligned with the will of the Divine.
Hieroglyphic images work upon the psyche through symbol, association, metaphor, story and sound. Through this pilgrimage, we will slow down time, meditate, intuit, activate, transmute, and dream in order to understand the language in which God speaks through the eye, the ear, the heart and the natural world.
Each temple is a book of said images, metaphors, stories and sound. As we enter each book, each book will enter us. We will activate our own individual channels to become pillars and vessels to receive the teachings of the masters. The magician. priest, and the modern day alchemist recognise that the sacred language of prayer, invocation and ritual initiates changes within us and in our outer world. We will use our collective power to heal ourselves and the Earth, responding to the call of the Divine Mother who is present in all her forms throughout Egypt. Together and in alignment with the Divine Mother, we will co-create the world in which we live and plant the seeds of Heaven on Earth.
How Will This Be Done?
A symphony of co-creative magic is how we will dance from temple to temple. Your channel will then become optimised to connect with the magic of the Neteru. At each temple, there will be a unique set of rituals and activations to activate your connection with each temple and its Neteru. This is a technology that you will be able to take back home with you which will enable you to work with the Neteru from the comfort of your own home.
We will weave and connect through the sacred geometry to the grid of the pyramid and other sacred sites and weave them to our personal networks with the intention of self-healing and expansion of our natural gifts and tools.
What You Will Learn on the Journey?
How to use ritual ceremonies to activate your connection with the divine principles of the cosmos
We will have cocoa and blue lotus ceremonies which will activate our dream temples in our sleep and which will allow us to receive the teachings of the masters even in our sleep.
We will learn the power of sound and the power of channeling to connect with the natural and supernatural worlds, maximising our abilities to receive transmissions and activations from the Neteru and the temples.
Prior to travelling, there will be an online course that will teach us to recogise some of the most important hieroglyphics which will in turn help us to connect with their messages.
It is not only to remember who we are but to completely embody it. To activate our DNA and the gifts that have been laying dormant within us all these years so that we may assist in healing the planet. As the darkness rises, so, too, must the light.
Let's unite as one light on this important venture and together create the change we want to see in the world. Pluto will be in Aquarius which will be its home for the next 20 years...
We are already free.