5-day Siddha Kundalini Initiation Healing Training Level 2
In the second Level, we will dive deeper into the Siddha Kundalini teachings and practices with powerful Initiations, Transmissions and downloads.
We are going to take it to the next level.
The second level is open only for the ones who got the level 1 initiations.
Once again, the first intention for our gathering is to allow us to Co-create a sacred space where we can all together invite and summon the Siddha lineage and our support team to be welcomed and activated through our intentions, prayers and channels.
To co-create a healing space where we can journey deeper into our personal and collective path of ascension and liberation.
To allow all of us to open up, breathe, and invite to the surface all that is no longer needed, so we can look at it and learn from it, release and heal all these areas within us.
We will go through a deeper level of initiations that will enable us to activate our channel further and further activate the Kundalini Shakti within us.
Usually, we will have 4 Initiations and a few activations, transmissions, downloads, But in some groups, there are 5 Initiations (according to the readiness of the participants and the group)
Part of the Second Level intends to strengthen our energy centres, kundalini and energy channels (Nadi) within, which will allow us to be a stronger, better, more efficient and more grounded channel.
The First level initiation process was the first step for preparing the body-mind-spirit structure to contain within it more high-frequency energy, which will allow the vehicle to hold more and consciousness as we progress.
The first Level was to open up the Siddha channel and give the necessary tools and teachings to work on ourselves and purify our physical complex mainly. Self Healing!!!
Since the first level initiations, a lot has happened with all of you, and by default, your kundalini energies are more activated as time passes.
The second level process will increase our capacity to channel healing through our channel and enhance our psychic abilities, allowing us to create, hold, and direct more power if you will.
This stage makes us more efficient in supporting life around us and other people on their path.
On the third level process, we will learn how to use the channel and mandala capacity with all the psychic tools we got from the first, second and third levels to support groups of people simultaneity.
It will allow us to hold space and channel healing too many people at once.
We will get initiations, which will allow us to channel the Deeksha transmission to others.
More information about the third Level will come later.
After the 3rd Level, we will start a teacher training process for those ready and willing to take on this path of becoming Siddha Kundalini Facilitators and teachers.
More information will come soon.
Here is some more info about the Second Level :
~ Kundalini practices !!!
We will take more time to activate our kundalini energy through meditation and breath work.
We will learn and practice different Pranayama exercises (Breathing exercises).
To stimulate and invoke deeper levels of healing within us.
~Mantra !!!
We will take time every day to go deeper into the Mantra chanting practices.
It will be amazing if you can take some time to learn the
1.Ganesha Mantra ( Om gam Gana Pataye Namaha)
2.Gayatri Mantra
3.Maha Mritunjaya
~Sacred Geometry !!!
We will go deeper into the understanding of new sacred geometry structures, symbols and work with them. (Metatron Cube, Merkaba, Platonic solids and more ...
We will have a unique process from the Siddha Lineage, where we will receive an initiation to activate our Merkaba structures. (10 structures in total)
We will learn how to work and activate these 10 Merkaba structures within our Siddha channel and learn how to use them to enhance our healing channelling capacity.
This is an extraordinary activation that will enable us to gain more psychic control on our channel, which will allow us to summon and invoke stability, strength and power in our day to day flow,
We will learn how to use and activate our 10 Merkaba structures to set up a proper, safe, unbreakable sacred space using different intentions, psychic work and commands, new symbols activations and channel work.
This Merkaba initiation will stimulate and activate the Merkaba vehicle within other people who will come for healing.
These practices will enable us to create a safe, sacred space / a ceremonial space for our users or others.
Safe space !!!
We will receive a beautiful activation Download and initiation for the Metatron Cube/ structure.
The Metatron cube is a super-strong Base structure of life; Metatron holds all the keys of the universe/life.
Through the Metatron portal, we can access /open/close all gates portals dimensions (as we progress on our Siddha path)
We will learn how to activate, work, and operate a Metatron Crystal mandala (a New & specific Mandala), a powerful tool in the Siddha Path.
The Metatron Mandala is a potent tool that quickly activates and generates a strong energy vortex (Like a spinning tornado.
made of psychic and healing powers) Which will perform as a super vacuum cleaner that will pull out impurities of all kinds in an accelerated way, release energetic blockages, entities, and different unwanted energy cords of all types and many more.
It is a very effective tool that can be used and operated just from the second level initiation as it requires a stronger channel and stronger kundalini to operate.
~Advanced Mandala & Portal work & practice
We will learn more ways to work and activate the mandala,
Operate the crystal Grid on 3 levels simultaneously which will allow us to collapse both side of duality into the centre point.
~Crystal Wand Healing
We will learn and practice different modalities of working with crystal wands.
This is a unique practice where we will connect and reunite with the crystals and the healing angels to perform this type of healing.
This modality of crystal wand healing will allow us to perform a precise, energetic, psychic operation, (deep surgeries) (easy, fast and very efficient). This work is done on the DNA & cellular levels.
We will use this practice with other new methods and teaching that we will learn.
We will find the time to sit with me privately; this will be a time to open up and share/ reflect personally.
Self Healing
Self Empowerment & Self Love
Sacred Space
Advanced Kundalini practices
Creating Ceremonial Sacred Safe Space
Pranayama / Modras / Bandas
Mantra Chanting
Sacred Geometry
Advanced Mandala & Portal work
10 Merkaba structures activation / Practice
Metatron Crystal Mandala activation / Practice
Crystal Wand Healing Initiation / Practice
Collective Healing
Second level Activation & Eye Transmission for the panelgland
The Retreat center:
The location of the retreat is set at Mother's House a beautiful mansion in de woodlands of Limburg, The Netherlands. The beautiful 500 year old house has wellness facilities like a sauna, jacuzzi, and an indoor pool for you to unwind and relax in. We have many animals walking around the grounds like alpaca's, horses, a donkey, chickens, sheep and a pig. The beautiful wild deers live around the house and are spotted frequently and can be hand fed during the day.
The retreat includes all vegan meals, all beverages and accommodation.
Limited spaces available !!!
If you wish to join us, contact us to reserve your place.
For those who booked their place already and wish to buy flight tickets, I want to invite you to pay a little extra and get flight insurance...Just in case.
I'm super excited to meet you all once again and to be able to co-create a sacred healing space where we can all together dive deeper into another beautiful, compelling journey.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
I am sending you my prayers, Blessings, healing and Love.
Take care of yourself
Be well
Be blessed
Be Free
& The Medicine Tribe Team
Overnight stays, foods, beverages and use of wellness facilities are included in the price.
If you would like to arrive a day earlier at Mother's House this is possible for an additional fee.